One random Deadly Force episode of 59

This is a special page for those who want to start reviewing their favorite TV series with Khabensky from a random episode. Just refresh the page.

There used to be Friends here, but they were banned from Kinopoisk. Then the Family Guy, and they later went to ban. But there is always a good Russian TV series.

The link will open a Kinopoisk (for some reason, the names of the episodes may not match)

Смягчающие обстоятельства

Season 2, episode 3. Release date: 13.03.2001

Поздний вечер. Молодая женщина одиноко стоит на автобусной остановке. Водитель остановившейся рядом машины просит показать дорогу на Тихорецкий проспект и предлагает подвезти. Подумав, девушка соглашается: ведь ей по пути. Слишком поздно она замечает, что на заднем сидении находится ещe один пассажир...

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Evgeniy, what have you done!

Hi! My name is Evgeniy Agasyants. I am a designer of interfaces, logos, and everything that can be shown on the screen or printed on paper. Produced photo shoots.

In my free time I create fonts and develop a web font editing service

© 2023 Evgeniy Agasyants